Standard Cl2A Forks 80X40 - 800
Genuine Linde "parabolic heel" forks available in various sizes to fit on a Class 2A carriage (16").
Product Information
Although all forks are manufactured to performance standard BS ISO 2330 which specifies they should be capable of lift three times their rated capacity without permanent deformation, but this does not mean all forks are manufactured to the same quality.
All Linde forks are forged from high grade carbon alloy steel, together with design features and stringent manufacturing techniques which mean they offer enhanced performance and a extended service life when compared to some standard/competitor forks.
As well as the heel wear zone, other features set genuine Linde forks apart from some standard/competitor forks in terms of quality.
Extracts from BITA GN62 (British Industrial Association)
Section 4.2.1 - If any measurement taken exceeds the wear limit of 10% the fork arm should be scrapped. Some forks can be manufactured with a thickened heel, in this case, the comparison between the fork shank and blade heel dimensions should be made.
Extracts from BS ISO 5057:1 1993 (British and International Standard)
Industrial Trucks – Inspection and repair of fork arms in service on fork-lift trucks.
5.6.1 (Fork arm blade and shank) - The fork arm blade and shank shall be thoroughly checked for wear, special attention being paid to the vicinity of the heel. If the thickness of the blade or shank is reduced to 90 % of the original thickness, or to the minimum thickness specified by the fork arm or truck manufacturer, the fork arm shall be withdrawn from service.
Genuine Linde forks have a parabolic heel giving it a much longer life cycle.